A lucky dip of glorious fibre for you to play with and explore fleece from new breeds, new fibres from alternative sources and some super special mixes.
The Dartmoor Tweed Explore Wool Box
We're going to be working in partnership with The Gentleman Farmer from now on. They understand sheep and wool - we understand working with wool.
They supply our wool from guaranteed Devon farms and are super helpful in finding us the breeds we want or letting us know if they have found something special - like a flock of Wensleydales in Tavistock who'd have known?. We're also getting an Etsy page together.
To start the partnership off we are selling Explore Wool boxes. £10 plus p+p
Every so often they get offered staggeringly rare or exciting fleece from rare or nearly extinct breeds - you'd be surprised what some of our older farmers in Devon keep in a back field plus show winners, totally black fibre etc.
Combine this with some samples of our usual breeds and the fibre explorations done by Dartmoor Tweed whilst compiling their yarn for their cloth and you have an exciting box to play with. It means you can try new breeds without a big commitment, try mixes that have been made at home or commercially for new ideas and get your hands on unusual fibres like seaweed, hemp, flax, linen, horse hair, recycled silk, union cloth mixes and smart fibres, PV and recycled plastic core.
The boxes are a surprise and contain 5 types of fibre in each 500 gram box.
As an example the one in the picture has:
Washed mohair locks
Exmoor, Gotland and raw silk roving.
Black linen, PV and Dartmoor Pony hair mix
Devon Closewool Virgin Lambswool.