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Welcome to the shop at Gentleman Farmers


We are always updating our stocks of fleece, locks, batts and yarn so please check back regularly. 


All raw fleece is skirted and most vegetable matter is removed. Some may be cleaned depending on the wools characteristics. We grade fleece and price accordingly.


We do sell kilo bags of lower quality but useable fleece for beginners to use, experimentation and craft play. 


If you have any specific requests for certain breeds or weights of wool please get in touch. We have a wide network of farmers with a variety of mainstream and rare sheep breeds producing good quality wool.


We are able to accept whole sale orders at reduced costs and can oversee the dyeing, spinning and yarn creation process for commission orders. .Please contact us for more details. 


Please note we are a seasonal business. Whilst fleece is available during the winter months wool clips happen in earnest from late spring and so a wider variety of wool is available over the Summer months. Orders can be taken in advance, a deposit will be needed to secure. 









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